Sunday, September 19, 2010


Over the summer I waitress and encounter some pretty entertaining customers. So I came up with the idea to start a website for waitresses to tell their horror stories.

I am currently taking Advanced Design 2 and am embarking on a semester long project that will allow me to make Waitressing From Last Night come to life. 

So far I've decided that the layout of the website should be simple and clean. I want to have an "About" tab that will explain the history of the website and the idea behind it. Another tab that will be titled "For the Customer" that will be the top 25 things not to do when you come to a Restaurant. And a tab for stories.

I've also e-mailed all the waitresses I know and asked them for their stories so when the website goes up there will be plenty of material. I've received one story so far.
(717) One time I was waitressing and an old couple sat down in my section. About 5 min later the entire place starting to smell DISGUSTING. Everyone was commenting on it, and I noticed that it was coming from that table. The other tables in my section slowly starting moving away and pretty soon it was just the old couple. After their meal was over and they left, I noticed why it smelled so bad.. The old man had peed on the cloth chair and left a huge puddle on the seat. Of course I had to clean it up and take it outside and my section smelled nasty all night. < this will be the format of the stories. (Area code) followed by the story.

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